Meet Linda Schreurs
As a young girl, she knew she was called to prayer. At 15, she left home to attend a private Catholic prep school with the intent to be a contemplative nun. Her dedication to prayer inspired other students, and while she left to return home and attend high school, she never lost sight of her calling.
On a circuitous life route, Linda went into broadcasting serving in news and as talent in television, as a contemporary radio disk jockey, and eventually a Christian announcer. Following a move to Des Moines, IA, Linda was selected to lead women’s ministries at a large congregation.
The Lord brought additional focus to Linda’s journey when in August, 1996, God spoke to her saying, ”Ask me for 500,000 souls in Iowa,” that has now become a widespread evangelical prayer request in the state. She founded Intimacy With God Ministries focused on teaching, publishing, solitude retreats, hermitages, and of course, intercessory prayer.
For the past 5 years, she has battled cancer (pancreatic) while continuing to inspire others to follow the path of prayer. She and her husband Mike have 3 adult daughters and husbands and 9 grandchildren.
A weekly interdenominational Bible Study taught by Mike Schreurs occurs Tuesday evenings in Ankeny. For more information, email